Autumn Shows and Fairs
It’s a busy time of year for Toy and Antique fairs, Summer is over, we’ve all had a rest and wandered round Antique Shops picking up the odd bargain! Now it’s back to early starts and travels to meet all our friends both old and new that we catch up with at the shows and fairs we visit.
I’m so excited about the new toys and and some unique Pewter item I bought on my travels, you’ll be able to see them at he following fairs over the next few months.
- Staffordshire County Ground Antique Fair: Saturday the 13th and Sunday 14th September. Details Link
- The Stafford Bingley Hall Antique Fair: Friday 26 through Sunday 28th September Details Link
- Sandown Park Racecourse Toy Fair: Saturday 15th November Details Link
- Coventry Connection Antiques Fair: Sunday 16th November – To be Confirmed
- NEC Birmingham Toy Fair: Saturday 27th December Details Link
I’m looking forward to seeing you soon,
Happy toy hunting..