Setting up for Stafford

Welcome to Annie’s Attic Antiques~Toys~Collectables

…and welcome to The Attic.

News Flash!Pewter and Silver Tray

I’m in Staffordshire setting up for the Stafford Bingley Hall Antiques

Fair what a great Fair this is going to be.  I’ve turned up with my new display stand that I hope will greatly improve how the collection of Pewter and Silver I have brought will look.  I’ve also brought my famous toys.  This is my first time at this show and as we are all setting up, I’m already meeting some lovely people who are a different crowd of exhibitors than I usually see here. My toys at the show also include some new Robots and Space toys as well as my now famous Schuco collection.  No Piggy Chef as those of you might already know…’ll have to wait and watch BBC’s Bargain Hunt to find out more!  Probably my 3 minutes of fame! Toys on display on the stand Anyway, make sure you come to the show and say hello at the stand, follow this link for the details.  Getting Here See You Soon,




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